Pentair Technical Support: 800-831-7133
Improperly installation will create an electrical hazard which could result in death or serious injury
to pool users, installers, or others due to electrical shock, and may also cause damage to property.
Do NOTattempt any internal adjustments inside the heater.
1. Keep your hands and hair clear of the fan blades to avoid injury.
2. If you are not familiar with your pool filtering system and heater:
a.Do NOTattempt to adjust or service without consulting your dealer, professional pool or air conditioning contractor.
b. Read the entire Installation & User's Guide before attempting to use, service or adjust the
heater or pool filtering system. The water pressure switch should be adjusted to turn the
heater off when the pump is off. Setting the switch to close at too low of a flow can damage the
appliance. Adjust the switch to turn the heater off, not on.
Note:Turn off power to unit prior to attempting service or repair.
Problems and Corrective Action
Fault Condition:
HIGH WATER TEMP Alarm:Watertemperature above 108°F.
Possible Cause:
Bad Thermistor or bad control board.
Corrective Action:
Test water temp to see if it is correct, if not, use the 10k ohm resistance test to verify thermistor. If bad, replace thermistor. If good, replace control board.
Fault Condition:
LOW WATER TEMP Alarm: Watertemperature below 40°F.
Possible Cause:
Bad Thermistor or bad control board.
Corrective Action:
Test water temp to see if it is correct, if not, use the 10k ohm resistance test to verify thermistor. If bad, replace thermistor. If good, replace control board.
Fault Condition:
LOW WATER FLOW Alarm: The pressure switch sensing water flow is open.
Possible Cause:
1. Water circulation pump not on.
2. Insufficient water flow.
3. External bypass open.
4. Bad water pressure switch.
Corrective Action:
Verify water circulation pump is on. Dirty or worn filters or clogged lint traps. Verify filter is clean, backwash if necessary to clean entire filter system or replace filter element if needed. Inspect & clean pump impeller. Adjust Plumbing valves. Repair suction air leaks. Make sure external water bypass around heat pump is closed.With water flowing, check resistance of water pressure switch, if open, replace switch.
Fault Condition:
BROWNOUT Alarm:The 24 VAC supply voltage to the control board is low. Caution: High voltage checks. Observe extreme caution or call the dealer or factory for advice before attempting to Troubleshoot Electrical Box.
Possible Cause:
1. Bad transformer
2. Insufficient supply voltage to the heat pump.
Corrective Action:
Supply voltage to the transformer should be between 208 and 260
volts. Transformer should output between 24 and 28 volts. If below this range, replace transformer.
Check supply voltage to the heat pump. Supply voltage should be between 208 and 260 volts. Check to see if a phase is out. Should have 120 volts to ground and 240 volts across power legs.
Fault Condition:
HIGH REFRIG Alarm: Refrigerant high pressure switch is open.
Possible Cause:
1. Water circulation pump not on. Verify water pump is on.
2. Insufficient water flow.
3. External bypass open.
4. Bad refrigerant high pressure switch. Check resistance of switch, if open, replace switch.
5. TXV Stuck Closed
6. Other Possibilities:
7. Other Possibilities. Low or restricted water flow through heater. Dirty or worn filters or clogged lint traps. Clogged filter pump impeller. Improper plumbing valve settings. Suction leak allowing air into the water flow. Low water flow when switched t
8. Unit overcharged.
Corrective Action:
Verify water pump is on.
Verify filter and skimmers are clean, backwash if necessary. Minimum flow 30 GPM.
Verify external water bypass around heat pump is closed. Also make sure all other valves are open or in the proper positions to allow proper water flow through heat pump.
1. Disconnect TXV bulb from suction line (SL), have it in your hand, if pressures go back to normal, then reinstall the bulb on suction line (it may have some debris stuck in the port). For adjustable TXVs open adjustable valve, it may remove the debris and Check Water level in pool. This condition may appear if the heat pump has NOT been operated for an extended period. To Clear this condition, cycle the heat pump on and off up to 3 times. If this does not correct problem, call for service.
Clean entire filtering system and or replace filter element. Inspect & clean pump impeller. Adjust all plumbing valves. Repair suction air leaks, grease pump lid o-ring. Replace filter. Wrong filter pump pipe size. Automatic pool vacuum causing restrictionReclaim charge. Recharge with appropriate nameplate charge
Fault Condition:
LOW REFRIG Alarm:Refrigerant low pressure switch is open.
Possible Cause:
1. Low refrigerant in system. Find source of refrigerant leak and fix. Pull vacuum and recharge.
2. Air and water temperatures too cold to operate the heat pump.
3. Bad refrigerant low pressure switch. Check resistance of switch with a full charge, if open, replace switch.
4. Faulty fan blade.
5. TXV Stuck Closed
Corrective Action:Check the capacitor and fan motor. Replace either one if it is faulty.
Check the fan blade and make sure it is not slipping or broken. If so,
replace the fan.
1. Disconnect TXV bulb from suction line (SL), have it in your hand, if pressures go back to normal, then reinstall the bulb on suction line (it may have some debris stuck in the port). For adjustable TXVs open adjustable valve, it may remove the debris and set it back to original position.
2. If (1) does not work, recover the charge, remove bulb from SL, unscrew TXV head, shake it, if rattles, replace head (PN KT-45-ZGA), if not, replace TXV and filter dryer and charge appropriately.
BROWNOUT Alarm:The 24 VAC supply voltage to the control board is low.CAUTION:High Voltage Checks. Observe extreme caution or call dealer or factory for advice before attempting to Troubleshoot Electrical Box.
HIGH REFRIG Alarm:Refrigerant high pressure switch is open.
LOW REFRIG Alarm:Refrigerant low pressure switch is open.
Fault Condition:
Unit power is ON, and Set Temperature is above Actual. Unit cycles on and off, i.e. Compressor cuts on briefly and then off after Five minute delay before set point is reached.
Possible Cause:
Faulty Compressor. Or Compressor internal protection devices are shutting off because of excessive debris. Faulty Compressor contactor. Incorrect wiring. Control Board Failure. Internal bypass valve damaged or clogged with debris. Heat exchanger clogged with debris. Suction leak allowing air into the water flow. Unit is plumbed backwards.
Corrective Action:
Clean entire filtering system and or replace filter element. Inspect & clean pump impeller. Adjust all plumbing valves. Repair suction air leaks, grease pump lid o-ring. Replace filter. Wrong filter pump pipe size. Automatic pool vacuum causing restriction. Call your dealer or factory for advice if corrective action does not solve the problem. Possible Compressor's internal relief valve or overload protection device is faulty. Call dealer or factory for advice before attempting to replace parts. Replace Compressor.
Fault Condition:
Unit is forming ICE or Frost on the outer air coil, usually at the bottom.
Possible Cause:
Discharge air flow is restricted. Discharge air is accumulating and being drawn back through the outer air coil. The fan is obstructed, low air flow. Sprinklers spraying on the outer air coil during cooler temperatures. Outer air coil clogged with debris. Plants too close to heater, blocking discharge air flow. Low refrigerant pressure caused by a Refrigerant leak. Possible malfunctioning of the internal low refrigerant pressure switch. Check Alarm Status on Control Board for LOW REFRIG Alarm.
Corrective Action:
The outside air temperature too low and Defrost feature is NOT enable. Malfunctioning Defrost Thermistor. Make sure heater is installed with the required placement clearances for air flow and roof clearance. Do NOT install indoors. Make sure that your sprinklers DONOT spray on the heater in any way what so ever. If ice forms on the outer coil, shut the heater off and allow ice to thaw. You may use water at low pressure to thaw ice build up on the outer coil, shut the heater off when doing so. Call your dealer or factory for advice corrective action does not solve the problem.
Fault Condition:
Unit power is ON, and Set Temperature is above Actual. Fan is NOT Turning. No Alarms.
Possible Condition:
Faulty Fan Relay. Faulty Capacitor. Faulty Fan Motor. Control Board Failure. Incorrect wiring.
Corrective Action:
Call dealer or factory for advice before attempting to replace parts. Replace Fan relay. Replace Capacitor, Replace Fan motor. Replace Control Board.
Fault Condition:
Fan is turning, no cool air discharge out of top of heater. Unit ON, and Set Temperature is above Actual, but Unit is not heating. No Alarms.
Possible Cause:
Heat Pump is in the five minute safety delay and Compressor has not started. Faulty Compressor.
Faulty Capacitor. Compressor contactor is stuck open. Control Board failure. Incorrect wiring.
Corrective Action:
Call dealer or factory for advice before attempting to replace parts. Replace Capacitor. Replace Control board. Replace Contactor. Replace Compressor.
Fault Condition:
Spa will not heat to maximum temperature of 104°F. Thermostat is turned all the way up. OR
Spa is heating very slowly.
Possible Cause:
Low or restricted water flow through heater. Dirty or worn filters or clogged lint traps. Clogged filter pump impeller. Improper plumbing valve settings. Suction leak allowing air into the water flow. Low water flow when switched to spa mode or the control is not in spa mode. Unit is plumbed backwards. Heat exchanger clogged with debris. Internal bypass valve damaged or clogged with debris. Your spa thermometer is not reading the correct temperature. Air blower is running. Venturi air inlets are open. It is very cold outside. Spa pump is not running.
Corrective Action:
Clean entire filtering system and or replace filter element. Inspect & clean pump impeller. Adjust all plumbing valves. Repair suction air leaks, grease pump lid o-ring. Shut off air blower and or Venturi inlets that allow air turbulence in the spa. Use a cover while heating the spa. Outside air temp. too cold. Set spa pump timer for longer time. Call your dealer for advice. Call the factory for advice.
Fault Conditions:
Pool is heating very slowly. Pool is not getting up to temperature.
Possible Cause:
Low or restricted water flow through heater. Dirty or worn filters or clogged lint traps. Clogged filter pump impeller. Improper plumbing valve settings. Suction leak allowing air into the water flow. It is cold outside. Pool pump timer is not set for a long enough running period. Pool is not covered. High wind speed over pool. Shaded pool area.
Corrective Action:
Clean entire filtering system and or replace filter element. Inspect & clean pump impeller. Adjust all plumbing valves. Repair suction air leaks, grease pump lid o-ring. Use a pool cover. Place a wind break around pool. Set pool pump timer longer. Call your dealer for advice. Call the factory for advice.